Friday, August 7, 2015

Parser and Conductors and Bears, Oh My!

Today I learned:
1) …that writing parsers can get pretty mind-numbing. I mean, writing a parser or two is good fun, but I’m on my fourth for the same weird, heterogeneous dataset in two days, and it’s getting annoying.

2) Double-stranded DNA is highly conductive… but a single base pair mismatch makes it much, much more insulating. This is a pretty new discovery — it turns out to be pretty difficult to figure out the conductance of a molecule in dilute solution. The lab of Jacqueline Barton at Caltech recently figured out how to do it — you string a filament of carbon nanotube through a solution of DNA, then snip out a little bit of the nanotube such that it leaves reactive functional groups in the gap. You *somehow* attach the DNA to the functional groups, which basically lets the DNA act as a resistor in the middle of a carbon nanotube wire.

3) … My amazement at human artistic ingenuity knows no bounds. Seriously, go look it up. If you’re not impressed, check out the top posts (of all time). A few gems:

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