Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Noise Filters, English Weirdness, and Forking Ice Cream

Today I Learned:
1) Something to watch out for when filtering noise in time series data using a bandpass filter -- if you put data through a Fourier transform, cut off high or low frequencies, then transform it back, if you don't use phase information in the inverse transform, you force the signal to start at 0, which can shift or distort your data a bit. This is particularly noticeable if your total time isn't much bigger than the wavelength of the dominant frequency in your data.

2) English is the only language whose present-tense verbs only require a special ending in the third-person singular -- I fish, you fish, they fish, but he/she fishes. English is also highly unusual in its use of the word "do", and is the only Indo-European language that doesn't use gendered nouns. I've known English was weird for a long time, but I didn't really notice *how* weird.

3) It is very much possible to eat ice cream with a fork. I'm about to find out what happens when you get to the end of the ice cream. I imagine you start drinking.

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