Thursday, December 24, 2015

Arduino Drivers, Taylorism, and M9 Minimal Media

Today I Learned:
1) ...what Arduino driver code looks like. It's a lot of switch statements to parse incoming commands, and a lot of hex gibberish to translate that into hardware commands. Overall, not too bad, though.

2) Taylorism, also known as scientific management, was the first attempt to rationally, systematically, scientifically describe and optimize managerial practices, usually to optimize output. Pretty much every particular of Taylorism is now considered obsolete or plain wrong, but it was the first rationally-driven management science, and so has been hugely influential on modern management theory.

3) M9 minimal (a known-composition bacterial media made from pure components, unlike most media, which is basically exploded yeast and salt) media is colorless (and a bit cloudy?), which to me looks somewhat obscene after years of using yellowish medias.

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