Tuesday, May 3, 2016

May 04, 2016 at 02:04AM

Today I Learned: 1) ...what fruit fly eggs look like. Also, I learned that a way to induce fruit flies to lay eggs is to sprinkle a little powdered yeast into their food. Apparently they like that. The other way I'd heard to induce egg-laying is with a splash of vinegar -- sounds like they like fermentation products, or they think their larva will. Thanks to Andrey Shur for the fly tips! 2) There is a long and ancient European story of a race of headless men, or Blemmyes, which were said to have no head, instead possessing faces in the middle of their chests. These stories go back at least as far as ancient Greece, and were repeated and "verified" as late as by Sir Walter Raleigh. Go do a google image search for Blemmyes if you want an idea what they were supposed to look like. Just in case you are ever tempted to believe something is true because a bunch of people do, remember the Blemmyes. People believe a lot of weird stuff. Be skeptical. Thanks to Lady Ŀady Jade Beacham for filling me in on this! 3) So, I've been experimenting recently with some canned curry pastes. The recommended usage is that you mix the can with about a cup of coconnut milk, heat it in a pan, and throw it on stir-fry. Today, I wanted some curry, but I didn't have any coconut milk. Turns out that curry is much stronger (and spicier) without the coconut milk. Would I do it again? Depends on my mood.

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